インフラ / 地震


Campbell Scientific data-acquisition systems are versatile, ideal for all types of seismic research and monitoring. Our data loggers can use a wide variety of sensors, so you can use them for fatigue analysis; structural mechanics research; continuous monitoring of large, complex structures; and even earthquakes. Campbell systems use little power and are compact and rugged, so they can be used for long periods in harsh conditions.

Learn about our patented VSPECT® spectral-analysis technology at our VSPECT Essentials web resource.

The dynamic vibrating wire measurement technique is protected under U.S. Patent No. 8,671,758, and the vibrating wire spectral-analysis technology (VSPECT) is protected under U.S. Patent No. 7,779,690.

To see how our systems meet your application needs, review our case studies »

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地震に関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. Most Campbell Scientific systems are built from individual components. This provides maximum flexibility for our customers, but it does not lend itself to pricing a "typical" system. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance in pricing a system to meet the unique needs of the application.


The following is a list of companies that have developed expertise in our products and provide consulting, installation, and other services for 地震 applications.

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