
LOGAN, Utah – The CR1000 is Campbell Scientific’s newest datalogger that builds on the company’s 30-year reputation for rugged and reliable measurement and control instrumentation. It retains the measurement and communications versatility of its predecessor, the CR10X, and provides increased memory and more measurement channels. The CR1000 uses state-of-the art digital technology while retaining the fine analog measurement capability associated with Campbell Scientific instrumentation. When used as part of a data acquisition system, the CR1000 is at the heart of the system, providing both accurate measurements and logical control functions. The CR1000 is designed for long-term, unattended monitoring at individual sites or in networks. Applications include meteorology and climatology (single sites to mesonets), vehicle performance, hydrology, fire weather, oceanography, air and water quality, and avalanche forecasting.

Campbell Scientific, Inc., is a worldwide manufacturer of dataloggers, data acquisition systems, and measurement and control products. Campbell Scientific’s mission is to satisfy the instrumentation needs of their customers by providing versatile and reliable products that can withstand harsh, remote environments. To learn more about Campbell Scientific, Inc., or to ask questions of the company’s highly trained technical and sales support team, please visit www.campbellsci.com.

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