The HygroVue™10 is an advanced digital sensor that simplifies humidity and air temperature measurements. Pair your HygroVue 10 with the Aspen™10 Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Device to gain access to supplementary data and a gap-filling companion to enhance your monitoring capabilities.
Combining the HygroVue 10 and the Aspen 10 gives you access to streamlined data management through CampbellCloud. This integration ensures data accuracy, storage, and secure, real-time accessibility for your weather monitoring data.
CampbellGo, a companion app to CampbellCloud, simplifies the deployment and troubleshooting of Aspen 10-enabled HygroVue 10 stations. With near field communication (NFC) and Bluetooth connectivity, CampbellGo allows a direct wireless connection to the Aspen 10 for immediate device status, configuration options, and access to network views while on-site.
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